It's sperm when it smells like bread dough

Published on 14 February 2020 at 11:27

e10.0 Major ritual impurity (Janaba)

e10.1 The purification bath (ghusl, def:e11) is obligatory for a male when:

(1) sperm exists from him;

(2) or the head of his penis enters a vagina;

and is obligatory for a female when:

(1) sexual fluid (def: below) exits from her;

(2) the head of a penis enters her vagina;

(3) after her menstrual period;

(4) after her postnatal lochia stops or after a child is born in a dry birth.

(n: The Arabic term maniyy used in all these rulings refer to both male sperm and female sexual fluid, i.e that which comes from orgasm, and both sexes are intended by the phrase sperm or sexual fluid wherever it appears below.)

e10.3 When a woman who has been made love to performs the purificatory bath, and the male's sperm afterwards leaves her vagina, then she must repeat the ghusl if two conditions exist:

(a) that she is not a child. but rather old enough to have sexual gratification (A: as it might otherwise be solely her husband;s sperm);

(b) and that she was fulfilling her sexual urge with the lovemaking, not sleeping or forced.

e10.4 Male sperm and female sexual fluid are recognized by fact that they:

(a) come in spurts (n: by contractions);

(b) with sexual gratification;

(c) and when moist, smell like bread dough, and when dry, like egg-white.

When a substance from the genital orifice has any one of the above characteristics, then it is sperm or sexual fluid and makes the purificatory bath obligatory. When not even one of the above characteristics is present, it is sperm or sexual fluid. Being white or thick are not being yellow or thin are not necessary for it to be considered female sexual fluid.

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