Don't worry be happy. A wet dream doesn't break the Fast

Published on 14 February 2020 at 14:27

i1.0 Fasting Ramadan


i1.21 The fast remains valid if any of the things which break it are done absentmindedly (O: not remembering the fast), out of ignorance (O: that doing the things which break the fast are unlawful, whether this is due to being a new Muslim, or to being born and raised far from Islamic scholars), or under compulsion. Not is it broken by:

(1) involuntary vomiting;

(2) having a wet dream, or orgasm as a result of thinking or looking at something (A: unless the latter two usually cause orgasm, in which case one has broken one's fast by not avoiding them);

(3) some water reaching the body cavity as a result of rinsing out the mouth or nose, provided not much (def: f4.5) water was used;

(4) saliva carrying down some food particles from between one's teeth, provided this is after having cleaned between them (O: after eating, by using a toothpick or the like between them), if one is unable to spit them out;

(5) gathering saliva in the mouth and swallowing it, bringing saliva as far forward as the tongue (O: but not to the lips) and then swallowing it, or coughing up phlegm from the throat and spitting it out;

(6) the arrival of dawn when there is food in one's mouth which one spits out;

(7) the arrival of dawn when one is lovemaking and one immediately disengages;

(8) or when sleeps all day or has lost consciousness, provided one regains consciousness for at least a moment of the day.