Naked is naked, but not in Islam

Published on 14 February 2020 at 13:33

f5.0 Clothing one's nakedness

f5.1 Clothing one's nakedness (O: from the eyes of men as well as jinn (def:w22) and angels, for these too see people in this world) is obligatory, by scholarly consensus (ijma,b7), even when alone, except when there is need to undress. (O: Zarkashi states (A: and it is the authoritative position for the school) that the nakedness it is obligatory to clothe when alone consists solely of the front and rear private parts for, men, and of that which is between the navel and the knees for women.)

f5.2 Clothing one's nakedness is a necessary condition for the validity of the prayer (O: when one is able).

Seeing a hole in one's clothes after a prayer is like seeing a spot of filth (n; meaning the prayer must be repeated, as at f4.7, unless one covers the hole immediately, as below at f5.5).

f5.3 The nakedness of a man (O: man meaning the counterpart of the female, including young boys, even if not yet of the age of discrimination) consists of the area between the navel and knees. The nakedness of a woman (O: even if a young girl) consists of the whole body except the face and hands.

(N: The nakedness of woman is that which invalidates the prayer if exposed (dis:w23). As for looking at women, it is not permissible to look at any part of a woman who is neither a member of one's not marriageable kin (mahram, def:m6.1) nor one's wife, as is discussed below in the book of marriage (m2).)

Such prayers (O: whether riding or walking) are only valid on condition.

(a) that one's journey continue for the prayer's duration;

(b) and that one not turn from the direction of travel towards anything but the direction of prayer.

If one reaches home while thus praying, or the destination, or a town where one intends to stay, then one must face the direction of prayer, and bow and prostrate on the ground or on one's mount if stopped.

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